Acq:Line Item: Marked as Return, then tried to Receive, still Returned
Article Type: General
Product: Voyager
Product Version: 7.2.2
Reported in 99.1
Replicated in 7.2.2
Expected Results: To be able to mark a line item as Receive after it has been Returned.
Actual: Not able to mark a line item as Received after it has been Returned in some cases (depending on the PO Status).
The proper function: users should always be able to receive a copy that has been returned. Right now can't if the p.o. status has gone to "received complete."
You can return and then re-receive a copy if the status of the purchase order is "Received Partial."
If all the copies on the P.O. are received, cancelled or returned, then the PO status is "Received Complete," and you can't receive the copy.
For a po with one line item with a single copy, the PO status goes to "Rec'd Complete" as soon as you return the copy. After that you can't receive it.
If you make a p.o. with two line items, you can return and receive as much as you want, as long as you don't receive the copies for both line items. If you do that, the PO status goes to "Received Complete," and you're blocked.
The behavior should be consistent--you should be able to return and receive, or not, regardless of the status of other line items.
Reolution: Currently in development.
- Article last edited: 3/18/2015