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    Advanced Search fails in Voyager WebVoyage when starting list of search terms with Boolean operator: AND, OR, NOT

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    Advanced Searches return "Could not search retrieve results" when the first keyword of multiple keyword search terms is a Boolean Operator (AND/OR/NOT) even though it is legitimately part of title (for example title: "And no birds sang").  The "Year" parameter is hard set to "Current Material" and can't be changed or reset even though this was not initially set.

    Defect Status

    VYG-7680 is currently in Development

    Replication Steps

    1. Import or create record  with title "And no birds sang" into database
    2. Go to Advanced Search. Enter "And no birds sang" as search terms. Select either "any of these" or "all of these", leave as "Keyword Anywhere", and do the search
    3. Note the result is "Could not retrieve search results." and that the "Year" radio button is now set for "Current Materials"
    4. This also happens for titles "Or no birds sang" and "Not no birds sang".


    Select "as a phrase", use the Basic Search, or exclude the Boolean Operator from the keyword search terms.



    • Article last edited: 11-Feb-2020
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