BULK: BulkImport load stops on 856 fields
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.2
Issue number: 16384-20977
Module: BulkImport
Server platform affected: Solaris, Linux
PC OS: Windows XP
Browser & version: N/A
Releases replicated in: 8.1.0, 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.2.0
Last version without bug: 8.0.0
Expected results: To use BulkImport to load a file and create bibliographic and MFHD records.
Actual results: Bulkimport stops load at records in a file with long 856 fields with no error message.
Workflow implications: BulkImport cannot be used to load file without removing records.
Replication steps:
1. Set up BulkImport rule to use AddConditional duplicate detection, expected character set of MARC21 MARC-8, loading Single MFHD; Bibs, MFHDs, Items; ‘Single’ MFHD location information set in 856 subfield u. Other settings include
* Item type from 856 subfield u, with wildcard indicators;
* mapping all MARC item types and MARC location codes into Voyager ‘electronic file’ item type and ‘Electronic collections’ location,
and mapping the item barcode from 856 subfield u.
2. BulkImport with rule.
3. Notice load stops with no error message.
4. Bib is created, no MFHD created on last record in log.
* If record is removed from BulkImport file, load stops at another record.
* Only specific records stop load.
* If file is loaded without these records, load is successful.
* If 856 fields are removed from records, load is successful.
* If BulkImport rule is changed take location information from another MARC field, load stops.
Workaround: Remove load-stopping records from file, reload file. Enter problem records manually.
Fixed in Voyager 8.2.2.
- Article last edited: 3/2/2015