Brief overview of Voyager cataloging templates
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Brief overview of Voyager cataloging templates.
- Bibliographic: c:\voyager\catalog\template\BIB.tem
- Holding: c:\voyager\catalog\template\Hold.tem
The templates listed above are the default Voyager templates for bibliographic and holdings records. They are installed (typically in c:\voyager\catalog\template) when Voyager is installed on your PC. You can edit each of them by selecting File, then Template, then Edit in the staff client. You can create new templates for specific activities or projects by selecting File, then Template, then New. To choose a new template as your default template for bibliographic, holdings, or authority records, select it instead of the default template listed above.
Setting a specific template to the default will prevent you from selecting another template you may wish to use. Once a template is entered into the preferences, the only way to use a template other than the one specified is to change the preferences. This would need to be done each time another template is desired. To avoid this situation, simply leave the template field blank in the preferences. You will then be prompted to select which template you want to use each time you wish to create a new record.
Additional Information
- Overview of the Voyager Circbib.cfg and Acqbib.cfg Bibliographic Templates
- Complete instructions for template development are available in the Circulation User's Guide (Chapter 5), Cataloging User's Guide (Chapter 8), and the Acquisitions User's Guide (Chapter 6).
- Article last edited: 08-Aug-2020