Bulk Import ignores cutter subfield when the sub-fields for call number and cutter number are not adjacent
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 9
Problem Symptoms:
* When the subfields for mapping call number and cutter number defined in System Administration are not adjacent within the field in the incoming record, the cutter number is ignored, and only the call number is mapped to the new 852.
This is the result of issue VYG-5724.
Issue VYG-5724 is resolved in Voyager 9.1.0
Additional Information
1. In Sys Admin establish a call number hierarchy that will map from incoming 852 fields with the callnumber in $h and cutter in $i.
2. Set up a bulk import using a profile using a single bib, mfhd profile.
3. Run the bulk import using a record that contains and 852 field with non-adjacent subfields h, and i. Attached SLNC-333390.mrc meets this criteria.
4. Note that although $i exists in the incoming 852, it was not mapped to the resulting 856 $i in the resulting MFHD.
Category: Batch jobs - Voyager
Subject: Voyager -
- Article last edited: 11/4/2014