CAT:10 character operator used in Bulkimport display incorrectly in History
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.2.5
Issue: 16384-17281
Date: January 10, 2012
Module: Cataloging
May also affect: Bulkimport
Release replicated in: 8.0.0-8.1.0
Release reported in: 7.2.5
Expected results:
The History tab for the MARC record would display the Operator properly.
Actual results:
If use the –o switch in Bulkimport and the operator has 10 characters, the History tab for the MARC record displays the Operator as well as the action date.
If you create or update MARC records via Bulkimport using the –o (operator switch) with an operator that is not defined in the System Administration module (i.e. not in the OPERATOR table), and if that operator is 10 characters long, then it displays incorrectly in the Cataloging client. On the History tab for the bibliographic, mfhd or authority record, the action_date is appended to the operator_id.
Replication steps:
Note that my steps are showing just a bibliographic record. You could set up the Bulkimport Rule to also create MFHDs which would show the same problem. Also, you could import Authority records which would show the same problem.
Run Bulkimport using the –o operator switch using an operator that is not in the System Administration module. For example
Pbulkimport -f/m1/voyager/voydb/rpt/marc.exp.20120110.1318 -iMER –oMEREDITHAT
Then in the Cataloging client, retrieve the record and look at the History tab. The operator that you indicated will be in the Operator field along with the date.
In the database, the BIB_HISTORY table is fine
SQL> select * from bib_history where bib_id=75539;
---------- ---------- --------- ----------- - - --------------
75539 MEREDITHAT 10-JAN-12 0 1 N 1
- Article last edited: 3/4/2015