CAT: Unable to add holdings to new bibs
- Article Type: Known Issue
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.1
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
* After adding bib record, attempting to add a holdings record to new bib fails with "Unable to add this record."
* Adding holdings for any other bibs also fails until Cataloging is restarted.
Defect Status
Issue VYG-2103 is resolved for Voyager 8.2.1 and higher.
If operators are experiencing this behavior in Voyager version 8.2.1, please open a new Case with Support to request the fix for this issue.
Replication Steps
1. In Cataloging, import a bib from the attached record file.
2. Click Save to DB. Bib is successfully saved.
3. Click New Hldgs button.
4. Note that first six bytes of 008 field in resulting holdings record correctly contain today's date.
5. Click Save to DB.
6. Receive "Unable to add record"
7. Note that now first six bytes of 008 are 000000. Date is now gone.
8. On server, note errors in log.voyager
catsvr[1072] - ERROR - Mon May 13 13:07:31 2013
- EncodedMarc::initialvalidation - encodedmarc.cpp[159]
No start of data mark. marc='xP ?7R?a?3[c?Z ??d???3[c?'
catsvr[1072] - ERROR - Mon May 13 13:07:31 2013
- EncodedMarc::parseEncoded - encodedmarc.cpp[300]
Invalid header marc='xP ?7R?a?3[c?Z ??d???3[c?'
catsvr[1072] - ERROR - Mon May 13 13:07:31 2013
- EncodedMarc::parse - encodedmarc.cpp[459]
Failed to parse
catsvr[1072] - ERROR - Mon May 13 13:07:31 2013
- UpdateMfhdRec - catalog.cpp[4588]
Existing marc record parse failure. mfhdid=193326
9. This holdings record (and other new holdings records) will not be able to be saved until the Cataloging client is closed and the operator logs in again.
a. Find the same bib that was saved in step 2
b. Repeat steps 3-5. Holdings record will be saved this time.
Import all bibs first. Log out of client & then log in and add holdings.
Category: Cataloging
- Article last edited: 5/27/2015