Can I place Field Codes from the MFHD or Item record fields in the spinelabel.cfg Bibliographic template?
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Can I include Call Number in the [Print Template Spine Bibliographic] or [Print Template Piece Bibliographic] stanzas in the spinelabel.cfg file for when I print spine or piece labels?
No. You can only include Field Codes from record types above or equal to (in the record hierarchy) the template you are trying to modify, and not from below it.
So for example you can do this (Title Field Code in Item Template):
[Print Template Spine Item]
[Print Template Piece Item]
And this (Title Field Code in Holdings Template):
[Print Template Spine Holdings]
Mfhd Id: \F300
Call Number: \F301
Title - Brief: \F201
[Print Template Piece Holdings]
Mfhd Id: \F300
Call Number: \F301
Title: \F202
Author: \F203
But you can not this (Call Number Field Code1 in Bibliographic Template):
[Print Template Spine Bibliographic]
Name: \B\F102\b
Addr1: \U\F510\u
Bib Id: \F200
Author: \F203
Title: \F202
Title - Brief: \F201
Call Number: \F301
[Print Template Piece Bibliographic]
Name: \B\F102\b
Addr1: \U\F510\u
Bib Id: \F200
Author: \F203
Title: \F202
Title - Brief: \F201
Call Number: \F301
1Note that the Call Number Field Code (\F301) is pulled from the mfhd_master.display_call_no, which indexes subfields $h, $i, $k and $m.
Additional Information
See Also:
- Table 7-9 (Field Codes and Field Names) In the System Administration User's Guide
- Procedure 4-9 ("Print Spine and Piece Labels") in the Cataloging User's Guide
- For a number of helpful examples of the Voyager record hierarchy and record relationships, see: Record Relationships in Cataloging
- Article last edited: 08-Apr-2021