Circulation appears to be calculating an incorrect Lost Item Replacement Cost based on item's temporary item type
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: all
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Problem Symptoms
Circulation appears to be calculating an incorrect Lost Item Replacement Cost based on the settings configured for the item's temporary item type
If an item has a permanent and temporary item type, the lost item replacement fee will be calculated based on settings for the item record's permanent item type rather than the temporary item type. If an item has a specific replacement fee configured at the item level in the Price field, this will trump the general settings for the item type in the policy definition.
1. Define the desired replacement fee value for an item's permanent item type (in SysAdmin>Circulation>Policy Definitions>[policy]>Items tab>Replacement Cost)
2. Define the desired replacement fee value in the Price field at the item level
- Article last edited: 10-Dec-2019