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    Creating new skins in WebVoyage

    • Product: Voyager


    How to create a new skin directory in WebVoyage?


    via command line  (where xxxdb is the Voyager Database Instance)
    1. Connect to server as voyager user via SSH or telnet
    2. cd /m1/voyager/xxxdb/tomcat/vwebv/context/vwebv/ui
    3. cp -pr exl_default new_skin

    Result: this will create a copy of exl_default named new_skin.  You can also copy other skins, just change the cp command as appropriate.

    via UTIL menu (8.1.0 and higher)
    1. Connect to server as voyager user via SSH or telnet
    2. dlib xxxdb
    3. util
    4. Follow the prompts:
      1. W. WebVoyage Utilities
      2. C. Create New Skin
      3. Follow prompts to create new skin.

    Result: a new skin directory with the name you provide at the prompt will be created for your xxxdb. It is a duplicate of the exl_default skin.

    • Article last edited: 28-May-2020