Creating ODBC DSN fails:"ODBC System DSN Warning You are logged on with non-Administrative privileges."
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 9.2
- Relevant for Installation Type: All
- Attempting to create the VGER DSN manually results in an error:
ODBC System DSN Warning You are logged on with non-Administrative privileges. System DSNs could not be created or modified.
- User installing ODBC has full administrative privileges.
- No option is available to run MS Access as administrator
Some installations of MS Office block the creation of System DSNs and programs cannot be run as administrator.
To work around this Microsoft issue, run odbcad32.exe as administrator manually. Then continue with adding DSN before returning to MS Access to link tables:
- Click Start.
- In "Search programs and files" enter "odbcad32.exe"
- Right click "obdcad32.exe" and select "Run as administrator"
- Continue the procedure to add the VGER DSN manually as outlined in: VGER missing as a DSN when linking tables
Article last edited: 18-Jan-2018