Database error when attempting to delete duplicate patron barcode in Circulation
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
Problem Symptoms
- Unable to delete duplicate barcode/patron group/barcode status combination for patron - receive "A database error occurred while attempting to delete patron barcode." in client
- In log.voyager, error logged:
circsvr[{PID}] - ERROR - {date}
- SQL_GetPatronClusterNoBRCStatus - ub_sql__ppc.cxx[1062]
Could find any single active barcodes cnt=0
- Changes to one barcode (i.e., status) apply to both barcodes
Voyager does not allow duplicate patron barcode/patron group/barcode status combinations.
It has still occurred on a few rare occasions and no root cause has yet been identified. The duplicate barcodes replicate changes to one another and won't allow deletion.
To delete the duplicate barcode:
- Circulation > Patron > {search for & open patron record} > Edit Patron ...
- Barcode > Barcodes <new> > create a temporary barcode
- Note the barcode value for duplicate barcode.
- Highlight one of duplicate barcodes > Delete.
- With temporary barcode, can now delete a duplicate. Note this also removes barcode value for remaining barcode.
- Close patron record.
- Search for and reopen patron record > Edit patron ...
- Delete temporary barcode & update remaining barcode with correct barcode value.
- Save changes.
Additional Information
If this occurs regularly, note any known circumstances leading to this scenario, any patterns identified, etc., and please open a Case with Support, noting these details.
- Article last edited: 10-Feb-2015