Delete a Reserve List from Voyager Course Reserve
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Delete a Reserve List in Voyager Course Reserve.
There are times to delete a reserve list such as when a course is deleted from your college's curriculum, a professor who taught a course is no longer using library reserves, or as part of a data clean up project.
Before doing this you may want to make sure your library has already gathered the statistics that it needs to gather on reserves usage.
If an item is listed in more than one Reserve List, if you delete the item from any Reserve List, Voyager will update the item to be "OFF Reserve" in all remaining lists. This holds true if you delete the Reserve List without removing the items. Those items in that list that are on other lists will be set to "OFF Reserve".
- After logging into the Circulation module, choose the Reserve button or select Reserve from the Functions menu.
- Search for and open the reserve list you wish to delete.
- Select "Delete List" from the Reserve menu. (Cannot do from a right-click menu.)
- A message displays asking you to confirm the delete.
- Choose "Yes" to continue the delete. Otherwise, choose "No" to cancel.
- All information associated with the reserve list is deleted. This includes items in the list. They will no longer show as being "ON Reserve" in the item record's location and/or item type fields.
Voyager will allow staff to delete current reserve lists with items having an active "On Reserve" status. Use the delete list functionality carefully.
Additional Information
- Delete an e-item in the Voyager Course Reserve module
- How to delete e-item when associated reserve list has been deleted?
- Queries for course reserve cleanup:
- Article last edited: 13-Aug-2021