Difference between FT and GKEY searches in Voyager
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: insert product version\Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
What is the difference between FT versus GKEY?
GKEY and FT are the same thing! They both search the GKEY index, sort by relevance if the * is used (e.g. FT* or GKEY*), have an implied OR between terms, and will not cross subfield boundaries if searched as a phrase
Here are the main points to remember:
- Has an implied OR that cannot be overridden
- Relevance is not implied! Use the * to add relevance
- Search code modifiers are not supported
- FT is not available on the WebVoyage Advanced Search page
- Uses the same index as FT
- Is available for use on the WebVoyage Advanced Search Page
- Relevance and search code modifiers are supported
- Article last edited: 19-Aug-2019