Difference between Voyager Fines/Fee Notices and Fines/Fee Statements
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
What is the difference between Fines/Fee Notices (Circjob 4) and Fines/Fee Statements (Circjob 14)?
Circjob 4 checks for any new fines or fees that have been incurred since the previous run of the job.
A notice is automatically generated when a new fine/fee is incurred by a patron. This job is designed to be run daily and is typically included in Circjob 12 ("All Daily Jobs").
Circjob 14 produces statements that include all fines/fees owed by the patron. This job is designed to be run less frequently than daily and is not included in Circjob 12.
Many libraries run this job quarterly or semi-annually, according to local policies and best practices.