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    Display military time in Voyager Circulation Client on Windows 10

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    How do I change the Voyager Circulation Client to display military time (24-hour clock) in Windows 10?


    This is done in your Windows 10 settings:

    1. Click on the clock at the bottom right of your screen.
    2. Click on "Date and time settings"
    3. Scroll down the Window to "Formats" and click on "Change date and time formats"
    4. Change the "Long time" setting to either HH:mm:ss or H:mm:ss
    5. Change the "Short time" setting to either HH:mm or H:mm

    This will change your PC time to military time, which will also show military time in the Voyager Circulation client.



    • Article last edited: 09-Dec-2019