Does Voyager support SRU/SRW?
- Product: Voyager
Our vendor is discontinuing z39.50 support and transitioning to SRU/SRW (Search Retrieve via URL/Search Retrieve Web Service). Does Voyager support SRU/SRW?
The short answer to this question is that a standard Voyager installation does not support SRU/SRW.
That being said, there is limited support for SRU that was implemented specifically for use with Rosetta, another Ex Libris product, and the functionality (as it exists) is available for anyone to use with Voyager, even if the customer does not have Rosetta.
xxxdb/sbin/Psrusrwsvr is distributed with Voyager, so it is possible for a customer to adapt the SRU functionality as it was developed for Rosetta for other uses.
For more information you can see the Voyager-Rosetta Integration Guide.
Additional Information
SRU, or "Search and Retrieval via URL", is an alternative to Z39.50. It provides a searchable method over HTTP rather than TCP/IP. Configuring and implementing SRU can be challenging because SRU typically does not provide a standard set of search and retrieval protocols. The following is an example of an Alma SRU URL (checked as working in 2020):
- Article last edited: 11-Dec-2020