EDI:Latin-1 diacritics not correctly sent via EDI
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.2.1
Bug Report Form for 16384-16465
Module(s): Acquisitions/EDI
Server platform(s) affected: Solaris/all
PC OS (if applicable): n/a
Browser & version (if applicable): n/a
Release(s): reported in 7.2.1; replicated in 8.0
Last version without bug (if applicable): ?
Expected results: Latin-1 diacritics should be correctly transmitted in EDI messages.
Actual results: Some Latin-1 diacritics are not correctly transmitted in EDI messages.
Workflow implications: Vendors may have trouble receiving the files.
Replication steps:
Find a record that has, for example, an ?, which is supported in the Latin-1 character set.
Create a PO and add a line item using this bib record.
On the PO, go to File>Send via EDI.
Go to EDI>Process EDI Messages>Outgoing, and enter a Search By of Create Date equal to today’s date.
Highlight the message you created and hit Send.
Supply a file name and hit OK.
On the server, go to /m1/voyager/yyydb/edi/outgoing and view the message you just generated – you’ll see that the ? is incorrectly transmitted (for example, re?pertoire becomes re??pertoire).
- Article last edited: 3/19/2015