Enable and Export OPAC Search Log in WebVoyage
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.1
Desired Outcome Goal:
Enable and export the OPAC search log for WebVoyage
The OPAC search log for WebVoyage is disabled by default. To enable logging:
1. On the Voyager server, open voyager.ini in a text editor. This file is located at: "/m1/voyager/xxxdb/ini/"
2. Locate the line that begins with "LOGSEARCH=" and set the value to "Y".
3. Save and close the file.
To export the OPAC search log:
1. On the Voyager server, navigate to: "/m1/voyager/xxxdb/sbin".
2. Run Popacjob
3. Select option 1: "Opac Search Log Export"
4. Input a date range to export using the format: "yyyy-mm-dd:yyyy-mm-dd'
5. The log will be named opsrchlgexport.dat and can be found at: /m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt
Additional Information
No OPAC search logging happens until you set LOGSEARCH=Y. Only searches conducted from that point forward will be logged.
Category: Opac
- Article last edited: 6/23/2014