GDC: Owning Library does not display in Titles List after Data Change job
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.1
Problem Symptoms:
? Owning Library does not display in the Titles List for records that have been processed by a GDC Data Change Job when records are searched
This behavior is a result of Issue 16384-20817 / VYG-1936.
Issue VYG-1936 is fixed for Voyager 8.2.2 and higher.
Additional Information
Workflow Implications
Sites with multiple owning libraries cannot easily discern which bib records in a Titles List belong to a particular owning library.
Replication Steps
1. In System Administration > Search, add Library to a search index (i.e., GKEY)
2. In Cataloging, conduct a search using that index and identify a record. Note that its owning library displays in the Titles List
3. In Global Data Change, add the record from step 2 to a Record Set
4. Execute a data change job for that record set ? it doesn?t matter what kind of change it is
5. When the job completes, repeat the search from step 2, and find the same record
6. Note that the owning library no longer displays
A keyword regen will allow the owning library to display again.
Category: Global data change (GDC)
- Article last edited: 3/31/2014