GDC: Scan job using multiple criteria ignores some criteria
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.0.0
Problem Symptoms:
* Scan job using 3 rules in a Scan Rule Set, first is used and other two are ignored.
When multiple scan rules are used, the GDC's logic is to OR them. Must use Exclude conditions or multiple jobs to AND the conditions.
In order to obtain a record set with all three conditions, you can use 1 of 2 methods.
Example: Resulting record set would contain records that meet the following criteria:
008/07 equals 2010
008/06 equals s
008/15 equals nyu
Method 1: Use Exclude Consequence
1. Create first rule with Include consequence.
2. Create second and third rules with Exclude consequence.
When 008/07 equals 2010, include
When 008/06 does not equal s, exclude
When 008/15 does not equal nyu, exclude
Method 2: Multiple Scan Jobs
1. Put each condition in a separate Scan Rule Set and Scan Rule Set Group.
2. Run multiple scan jobs to apply each criteria sequentially.
Scan job 1: Scan entire database and when 008/07 equals 2010, add to record set XYZ
Scan job 2: Scan record set XYZ and when 008/06 equals s, add to record set XYZ-2
Scan job 3: Scan record set XYZ-2 and when 008/15 equals nyu, add to record set XYZ-3 - record set XYZ-3 will contain only records that meet all 3 conditions.
Category: Global data change (GDC)
- Article last edited: 1/10/2014