Headings regen:incorrect command for linux causes regen to fail
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.0
Bug Report
Date: 03 Nov 2011
Module(s): REGEN.indexes script
Server platform(s) affected: Linux
PC OS (if applicable): NA
Browser & version (if applicable): NA
Release(s) replicated in: 2008.0.0
Last version without bug (if applicable): None
Expected results:
Turbodedupe should produce files that are ready for loading
Actual results:
Turbodedupe aborts with an error, indicating that it was unable to open an input file.
Root of the problem is bad logic that checks for completion of parallel gsort processes.
It uses ‘ps –ef | grep –v grep | grep gsort’. Unfortunately, on linux, ps –ef does usually not
Give the entire command line, so the grep misses one or more gsorts that hasn’t finished yet,
And merrily drives on to the turbodedupe step. Since one or more gsorts has yet to write
Its output, turbodedupe blows up on a missing input file. Fix is to use ‘ps –efw’ which gives
Enough info for command to work.
Workflow implications: Heading regens broken
Replication steps: Run a heading regen on Linux
Other information:
Workaround: Set TURBO_GSORT variable in Regen.indexes to ‘N’
Fixed in indexgen into Voyager 8.1.0+ UTILITY package
- Article last edited: 3/5/2015