How can I set Voyager to retain patron IDs in Circ transactions?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.2.0
Desired Outcome Goal:
To configure Voyager to retain patron IDs in Circulation transactions, so staff can find out the last patron that checked out a particular item
You can enable the retention of patron ID with the circ transaction with a setting in SysAdmin:
1. Go to SysAdmin > System > Miscellaneous
2. Check the "Retain Patron ID for Circ History" checkbox
Additional Information
After this setting is enabled, transactions going forward will store the patron ID with the archived transaction. It's not retroactive, so you won't have any patron IDs associated with archived transactions prior to the time when you enable that setting, but everything going forward from there will retain it.
Category: (Voyager)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013