How do I add an Advanced Search limit for Format?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.0
How to add search Limit for Format to Advanced Search?
- Open the file limits.xml in
- Edit the following stanza:
<limitGroup type="medium" label="Format:"> <limit code="all" default="Y">All Formats</limit> <limit code="a">Map</limit> <limit code="c">Computer File</limit> <limit code="d">Globe</limit> <limit code="g">Projected Graphic</limit> <limit code="h">Microform</limit> <limit code="k">Nonprojected Graphic</limit> <limit code="m">Motion Picture</limit> <limit code="s">Sound Recording</limit> <limit code="t">Text (Eye-Readable)</limit> <limit code="v">Videorecording</limit> </limitGroup>
Additional Information
Values in this stanza are taken from the bibliographic 007 field.
See also WebVoyage Architecture Overview and Configuration Models, Chapter 4: Search.
- Article last edited: 8-Oct-2013