How is Reference Information box populated in Cataloging when retrieving Authority record?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: All
- Relevant for Installation Type: Total Care; Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local
After creating a new authority record that contains 450 and 550 tags, when conduct a headings search, highlight Authorized heading, and click Authority, the Reference Information box appears but only shows options for Authority Record and Scope Note. Why is it missing options for Broader Term and Use For from the 450 and 550 tags?
The Reference Information box is populated from several sources. What the authority record itself contributes is the Authority Record and Scope Note options. This is what's available when Auth/Note displays in the Headings List.
Broader Term, Narrower Term, See references, etc. populate the Reference Information box when there are other authority records that point to the Authority for which Reference Information is being accessed. In this scenario, the Headings List will also display Ref for the heading (Auth/Ref/Note).
See examples in Additional Information.
Additional Information
Authority A
150 _ _ |a 3D printing
Authority B
150 _ _ |a Computer-aided manufacture
550 _ _ |w h |a 3D printing
When search Subject Headings for "3D printing" would see
Highlight and click Authority.
Reference Information displays:
Broader Term Computer-aided manufacture
Authority Record displays from Authority A
"Broader Term" designation displays from Authority B
Category: Cataloging