SELFCHK: How to activate on-screen messages displayed in Self-Check
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: Voyager 9.0 and later
How do I activate on-screen messages displayed through self-check devices connected via SIP?
The AF Message reports on any success/failure.
If Voyager is not sending on-screen messages to self-check devices in the 'AF' field, the selfchk.cfg file is most likely missing the [Screen Messages] stanza. To fix this, follow these steps:
- On your Voyager server, open /m1/voyager/xxxdb/ini/selfchk.cfg, where 'xxxdb' is your database directory.
- Check to see if this file contains a stanza with the heading '[Screen Messages].'
- If it does not contain this stanza, copy the text below into the file. You may also find this stanza in the /m1/voyager/xxxdb/ini/selfchk.cfg.tml file.
- Edit any messages you wish to customize. Save the file.
- Restart any self check machines that have active connections to Voyager. When you open a new SIP connection, you should see on-screen messages transmitted in the 'AF' field.
[Screen Messages]
BibCreateError=An error occurred while attempting to create the bib record.
BibCreateErrorMARC=Failed to create MARC bibliographic record. Unable to continue.
BibCreateErrorReadOnly=The catalog is in read-only mode. Unable to add any bibliographic records at this time.
BibCreateSuccess=Create Bib successful.
BibDeleteBarcode=Bib is not linked to the item barcode specified.
BibDeleteError=An error occurred while attempting to delete bib record.
BibDeleteErrorHoldings=Unable to delete bib record. Other holdings records are attached.
BibDeleteErrorReadOnly=The catalog is in read-only mode. Unable to delete bib record.
BibDeleteSuccess=Bib Delete Successful.
BibErrorNotFound=Bib record not found. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
BibHideSuccess=Hide Bib Successful.
BibHoldingsDeleteErrorItems=Unable to delete bib and holdings records. Other items are attached.
BibHoldingsDeleteErrorPO=Unable to delete bib and holdings records. PO line items are attached.
BibHoldingsDeleteErrorReadOnly=The catalog is in read-only mode. Bib and holdings records not deleted.
BibIdError=Failed to retrieve new bib id. Unable to continue.
ChargeItemPolicyLimit=Patron has reached the charged items limit for the item's policy group.
ChargeItemPolicyLimitHolds=Patron has reached the charged items limit (including pending holds) for the item's policy group.
ChargeItemPolicyTypeLimit=Patron has reached the charged items limit for the policy group for the item's type.
ChargeItemPolicyTypeLimitHolds=Patron has reached the charged items limit (including pending holds) for the policy group for the item's type.
ChargeItemTypeLimit=Patron has reached the charged items limit for the item's type.
ChargeItemTypeLimitHolds=Patron has reached the charged items limit (including pending holds) for the item's type.
CheckinErrorCheckout=ERROR -- a database or system error occurred while attempting to cancel last checkout.
CheckinSuccess=Checkin successful.
CheckinSuccessAlert=Checkin successful. There is an alert. Item is discharged.
CheckoutBlockedPatron=Unable to checkout item to patron. Patron submitted for checkout is different from last patron submitted for status request and validation.
CheckoutSuccess=Checkout Successful.
HoldBlockedNoItems=HOLD BLOCKED. The selected bib has no items.
HoldBlockedAllItemsLostOrMissing=HOLD BLOCKED. All items for the selected bib are marked 'Lost' or 'Missing'.
HoldingsCreateError=An error occurred while attempting to create the holdings record.
HoldingsCreateErrorCallNumber=The call number is invalid. Unable to create holdings record.
HoldingsCreateErrorLocation=The location code is invalid. Unable to create holdings record.
HoldingsCreateErrorMARC=Failed to create MARC holdings record. Unable to continue.
HoldingsCreateErrorReadOnly=The catalog is in read-only mode. Unable to add any holdings records at this time.
HoldingsDeleteError=An error occurred while attempting to delete holdings record.
HoldingsDeleteErrorLocNotAuth=Holdings location is not one for which authorization for deletion is granted. Unable to delete bib and holdings records.
HoldingsDeleteErrorLocNotFound=Holdings location not found. Unable to delete bib and holdings records.
HoldingsIdError=Failed to retrieve new holdings id. Unable to continue.
ItemBarcodeNotFound=Item barcode not found.
ItemBarcodeNotFoundConsult=Item barcode not found. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
ItemBarcodeSearchError=An error occurred while searching for item barcode.
ItemBlockedBarcodeInactive=BLOCKED -- Item barcode is inactive.
ItemBlockedBarcodeMultiple=BLOCKED -- Multiple item records matched to this barcode.
ItemBlockedBarcodes=Multiple items found matching this barcode. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
ItemBlockedCalendar=BLOCKED -- Inadequate circulation calendar.
ItemBlockedCallSlip=BLOCKED -- Item has call slip request for another patron.
ItemBlockedDamaged=BLOCKED -- Item is damaged.
ItemBlockedForeignLocCharged=BLOCKED -- Item not allowed to circulate from this location.
ItemBlockedMisroutedUB=BLOCKED -- Item is misrouted. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
ItemBlockedNoCourtesyDischarge=BLOCKED -- Item not authorized for discharge at this location.
ItemBlockedNoDueDate=Item has a term loan period, but a term due date has not been set.
ItemBlockedNoPeriod=Item does not have an assigned loan period.
ItemBlockedNoSelfService=BLOCKED -- Self service not permitted for this item.
ItemBlockedNonCirculating=Item is non-circulating.
ItemBlockedOnHold=Item on hold for another patron.
ItemBlockedOutphaseTermRenew=BLOCKED -- TERM renewal precedes permitted renewal period.
ItemBlockedScheduled=Item has been scheduled and cannot be charged or renewed.
ItemBlockedShortloanScheduled=BLOCKED -- Item scheduled for a short loan request.
ItemBlockedWithdrawn=BLOCKED -- Item has been withdrawn.
ItemCreateError=An error occurred while attempting to create the item record.
ItemDeleteBlockedTransactions=Item has outstanding transactions. Unable to delete.
ItemDeleteError=An error occurred while attempting to delete item.
ItemDischargeBlockedAlert=There is an alert. Item is not discharged.
ItemRenewBlocked=Item is not renewable.
ItemRenewBlockedOverdue=Item is not renewable -- Overdue.
ItemRenewBlockedRecalled=Item is not renewable -- recalled by another patron.
ItemRenewBlockedRequested=Item is not renewable -- requested by another patron.
ItemRetrieveError=An error occurred while retrieving item information. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
ItemRetrieveSuccess=Item Info retrieved successfully.
PatronBarcodeSelectGroup=Patron has duplicate active barcodes/patron groups. Please specify which patron group to reference.
PatronBarcodeValid=Patron barcode valid (active)
PatronBlockError=Unable to block. Patron submitted for block is different from last patron submitted for status request.
PatronBlockErrorBarcode=Patron Not Blocked. Error occurred while attempting to disable patron barcode.
PatronBlockNoteError=Patron Blocked. However, an error occurred while attempting to add patron block note to patron's record.
PatronBlockSuccess=Patron sucessfully blocked.
PatronBlocked=Patron is blocked.
PatronBlockedAddressExpired=Patron address is expired
PatronBlockedAddressInvalid=Patron address is invalid
PatronBlockedBarcodeNotActive=Patron barcode not valid (not active)
PatronBlockedBarcodeNotFound=Patron barcode not found
PatronBlockedBarcodeNotValid=Patron barcode not valid
PatronBlockedBarcodes=Multiple patrons found with this barcode
PatronBlockedChargedItemLimit=Patron has reached the charged item limit.
PatronBlockedChargedItemLimitHolds=Patron has reached the charged item limit (including pending holds).
PatronBlockedCircDesk=Patron is blocked - see Circulation Desk
PatronBlockedClaimedReturnLimit=Patron has reached the claimed returned item limit
PatronBlockedExpired=Patron record has expired
PatronBlockedFineFeeLimit=Patron has reached the fine/fee limit.
PatronBlockedFineLimit=Patron has reached the fine limit
PatronBlockedLostItemLimit=Patron has reached the lost item limit
PatronBlockedNotValidated=Patron not validated.
PatronBlockedOverdueItemLimit=Patron has reached the overdue item limit
PatronBlockedOverdueRecallLimit=Patron has reached the overdue recalled item limit
PatronBlockedRecallItemLimit=Patron has reached the recall item limit
PatronBlockedRenewLimit=Patron has reached the renewal limit for this item.
PatronBlockedSelfShelveLimit=Patron has reached the self-shelve limit
PatronValidationErrorGroup=Failed to locate designated patron group for validation.
PatronValidationSuccess=Patron validated successfully.
RecallBlockedAllItemsLostOrMissing=RECALL BLOCKED. All items for the selected bib are marked 'Lost' or 'Missing'.
RecallBlockedBindery=RECALL BLOCKED. Item is marked 'At Bindery'.
RecallBlockedDuplicate=REQUEST BLOCKED. Patron already has a title-level request for the selected bib.
RecallBlockedLostLibrary=RECALL BLOCKED. Item is marked 'Lost Library Applied'.
RecallBlockedLostOr=RECALL BLOCKED. All items for the selected bib are marked 'Lost', 'Missing', or 'At Bindery'.
RecallBlockedLostSystem=RECALL BLOCKED. Item is marked 'Lost System Applied'.
RecallBlockedMissing=RECALL BLOCKED. Item is marked 'Missing'.
RecallBlockedNoItems=RECALL BLOCKED. The selected bib has no items.
RecallBlockedNotAuthorized=RECALL BLOCKED. Patron not authorized to place a recall for the selected item.
RecallBlockedNotCharged=RECALL BLOCKED. None of the selected bib's items are charged out to patrons.
RecallBlockedOnOrder=RECALL BLOCKED. The selected bib currently has no items, but they are on order.
RenewBlockedDueDateCurrent=The renewal due date calculated precedes the item's current due date.
RenewBlockedDueDatePast=The renewal due date calculated is in the past.
RenewSuccess=Renew Successful.
RequestAddError=An error occurred while attempting to add request. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
RequestBlockedCalendar=Voyager circulation system calendar not configured. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
RequestBlockedInvalidCircDesk=Pickup location code not a valid circ desk. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
RequestBlockedModify=Unable to modify a hold or recall request. This function is not supported. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
RequestBlockedOperator=Invalid operator id. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
RequestCancelError=An error occurred while attempting to cancel request. Please consult library personnel for assistance.
RequestCancelSuccess=Request cancelled.
RequestHoldBlocked=HOLD BLOCKED. Patron not authorized to place a hold for the selected item.
RequestPlaced=Request placed.
SystemError=ERROR -- a database or system error occurred.
SystemErrorOutOfPaper=Out of Paper
SystemErrorVersions=Self check unit and server protocol versions are not compatible.
SystemGoingOffline=Going Offline
Additional Information
On-screen messages are returned as ‘AF’ field in various SIP2 messages.
Example of Success with AF message:
BEGIN Stanza Loop
SENDING: 6300120071019 121515 AO|AA7654321|AC|AD|BP|
RECEIVING: 64 00020210513 131510000000000000000500000001AO|AA7654321|AELalla Ann Guy|CA0001|CB0001|PB19850302|BLY|BHUSD|BV0.00|CQN||BD5459 Indian Su|
SENDING: 2300120211110 131858AO|AA7654321|AC|AD|
RECEIVING: 24 00020210513 131510AO|AA7654321|AELalla Ann Guy|BLY|BHUSD|BV0.00|AFPatron validated successfully.|
SENDING: 11YY20210708 16070820210808 160708AO|AA7654321|AB19755|AC|
RECEIVING: 121NNY20210513 131510AO|AA7654321|AB19755|AJChicago on foot; an architectural walking tour, by Ira J. Bach. Photos. by Philip A. Turner.|AH20210610 235900|CK|AFCheckout S|
END Stanza Loop
Example of Fail:Blocked request with AF message:
SENDING: 2300120211110 131858AO|AA7654321|AC|AD|
RECEIVING: 24 00020210513 100426AO|AA7654321|AELalla Ann Guy|BLY|BDObscured for Privacy|BEObscuredForPrivacy|MLFAC|BHUSD|BV0.00|AFPatron validated successfully.|
SENDING: 15+20210708 160708BW20210810 160708|AO|AA7654321|AF|ME10772|MA38402|MFdemo|
RECEIVING: 160N20210513 100426BW20210810 160708|AO|AA7654321|AB|AJ|AFREQUEST BLOCKED. Patron already has a title-level request for the selected bib.|MA38402|MB|MC|
- Article last edited: 17-Oct-2021