How to create interleaved file with Prebulk, with all mfhds mapped to one location
- Product: Voyager
How to generate mfhds using Prebulk that use call number when available, and DEFAULTCALLNO and DEFAULTCALLIND when call number field absent?
Create configuration file, paying attention to three sets of data for mapping:
- Set DEFAULTCALLNO and DEFAULTCALLIND to the call number and indicator value that should populate the mfhd when a call number from the bib record is not present.
- [MFHDTAG] should be the tag where location and/or other mfhd information can be found. If mapping to a default location and call number, this can be any tag that is present in the bibliographic record.
- [MAPPING] stanza dictates which subfields from the [MFHDTAG] are mapped to fields/subfields in the mfhd.
- [CALLTYPES] specifies which indicator (call number type) to use for a call number, based on the field the call number is pulled from.
- [LOCATIONS] stanza determines which Voyager location is mapped into the mfhd. If data in [MFHDTAG] and [MAPPING] do not match to any of these locations, the first row in the [LOCATIONS] stanza will be used as the default.
Additional Information
The final config file for the above example may look something like the one below (text in italics is explanatory and not part of the file):
indicates that mfhds should be created by Prebulk
this field will be found in each bib, so location mapping can be successful
data in this is the subfield in the [MFHDTAG] will be mapped according to the [LOCATIONS] stanza
defines the indicator to be used (call number type) for the call number based on which tag it's mapped from
when MAIN found in 245a in bib, will map Voyager location code main to 852b, and look for call number in 050, then 090, before using default if neither found |
and it will produce an interleaved file of bibs and mfhds, where all mfhds have been mapped to location main (if no matching data found in 245a, this is also default location), and call numbers have been mapped from the 050, the 090 or use the default ONLINE where neither 050 nor 090 is available.
As per the User's Guide, you must create the config file on the server, using vi.
- Article last edited: 03-Apr-2019