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    How to find specific Prepackaged Access Reports queries in Voyager based on certain strings

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    Need help finding specific queries based on text strings in Prepackaged Access Reports.


    The following may be helpful in trying to find specific queries based on a text string.


    List queries that use the specified table:

    SELECT MSysQueries.Name1 AS [Table Name], MSysObjects.Name AS [Queries that use the table]
    FROM MSysQueries INNER JOIN MSysObjects ON MSysQueries.ObjectId = MSysObjects.Id
    WHERE (((MSysQueries.Name1) Like [Table name (use * to truncate): ])
    AND ((MSysQueries.Attribute)=5))
    ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;


    List queries that display the specified field:

    SELECT MSysQueries.Expression AS [Field name], MSysObjects.Name AS [Query that displays this field]
    FROM MSysQueries INNER JOIN MSysObjects ON MSysQueries.ObjectId = MSysObjects.Id
    WHERE (((MSysQueries.Attribute)=6) AND ((MSysQueries.Expression)
    Like [Table name (use * to truncate): ]+'.'+[Field name (use * to truncate):]))
    ORDER BY MSysQueries.Expression;


    List queries that contain a certain string in a criterion:

    SELECT MSysQueries.Expression AS Criterion, MSysObjects.Name AS [Queries that use this criterion]
    FROM MSysQueries INNER JOIN MSysObjects ON MSysQueries.ObjectId = MSysObjects.Id
    WHERE (((MSysQueries.Attribute)=8) AND
    ((MSysQueries.Expression) Like '*'+[Part of a criterion: ]+'*'))
    ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;


    List queries with specified string in query name:

    SELECT DISTINCT MSysObjects.Name
    FROM MSysObjects
    WHERE (((UCase([Name])) Like '*'+UCase([Part of a query name: ])+'*') AND ((MSysObjects.Flags)=0))
    ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;


    Additional Information

    Constructing custom SQL queries by request and troubleshooting unexpected results from customer-created SQL queries falls outside the scope of Support. The above have been posted for informational purposes.  Voyager-L and Developer Network are useful resources for finding helpful custom SQL or obtaining assistance from peers in troubleshooting custom queries.


    See also: List Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports queries added or modified since a specific date


    • Article last edited: 01-Jun-2021
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