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    How to read the summary in the Primo extract log on the Voyager server

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    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    How to read the summary in the Primo extract log on the Voyager server.



    2019-04-09 12:05:24,577 45730 [main] INFO  com.endinfosys.voyager.extract.Extract  -
    ************************* START OF SUMMARY ***********************
            In 1623 visit(s) took 32973 millisecs for doing 1623 with 0 errors
            In 23 visit(s) took 168 millisecs for doing 44 with 0 errors
            In 1623 visit(s) took 2534 millisecs for doing 1487 with 0 errors
            In 1 visit(s) took 10 millisecs for doing 5 with 0 errors
            In 1 visit(s) took 285 millisecs for doing 140 with 0 errors
            In 22 visit(s) took 5 millisecs for doing 0 with 0 errors
            In 8 visit(s) took 13 millisecs for doing 0 with 0 errors
            In 151 visit(s) took 1737 millisecs for doing 315 with 0 errors
            In 1 visit(s) took 159 millisecs for doing 135 with 0 errors
            In 150 visit(s) took 39 millisecs for doing 144 with 0 errors
    2019-04-09 12:05:24,578 45731 [main] INFO  com.endinfosys.voyager.extract.Extract  -
    ************************** END OF SUMMARY ************************


    • The number of visit(s) is checking that how many times the visit method was called.
    • The visit method performs the required actions on the marc record to update transaction and record the error or success of the transaction. 
    • The millisecs is to keep track of how long it takes for each action.
    • The counts display the total number of records processed for each action.
    If an error accompanies or follows this summary, or the summary is missing, there may be an issue with the extract. Identify a few sample records changed the previous day, and check whether these were extracted and/or updated in Primo.

    Additional Information

    A full description of all the actions that write to the log can be found in the V oyager Primo Integration Guide.

    See also:  How to check the Primo extract logs on the Voyager Server?

    • Article last edited: 17-Feb-2020
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