How to resolve Error 12001 when running query in Prepackaged Reports?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
Problem symptoms
When running a query in Access Reports (Reports.mdb) via Prepackaged Reports and ODBC drivers, receive Error 12001. How to resolve?
This error can be caused by an incorrect language setting in the Windows Registry. Technically, NLS_LANG values in PC registry are not set to AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII
Preparatory Steps:
- Login to the workstation with an account that has full administrative rights on the local PC
- Open Windows Registry Editor by typing regedit in the Start menu's Search box
- When the Registry Editor opens, back up the entire Registry by selecting "Computer" at the top of the left-hand pane, and clicking File > Export... and save the file to a safe location.
Update language setting in the registry:
- In the Registry Editor go to Edit > Find and search for: NLS_LANG
- Set registry value of all NLS_LANG keys to AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII.
- Restart PC.
- If error persists, double-check for other NLS_LANG keys and change the value as per Step 2.
- Restart PC after any registry changes.
Additional Information
This error is specific to the UTF8to16() function.
- Article last edited: 20-Sep-2019