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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Why are all emails from hosted Voyager envrionments sent from ''

    • Product: Voyager    
    • Product Version: 10.0
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    Why do all outgoing emails from a hosted Voyager environment display as the from host?

    Is it possible to customize the email from address in hosted Voyager environments?


    • All hosted Ex Libris environments utilize a common outgoing mail relay. Since the hostname of Voyager environments are not in the public DNS all voyager environments are configured to use '' which resolves to the mail relay host.
    • This configuration helps to ensure that receiving email servers do not reject emails from the Voyager server.
    • The configuration which causes this behavior on the Voyager server, is managed globally across all hosted environments. Any modifications to the configuration will be overwritten usually within 24 hours.
    • Starting with version 9.2.0 it is possible to customize the from address of outgoing emails from WebVoyage. This is done using the 'mail.from' property in the configuration file.
    • It is not possible to configure the from address host for any emails which utilize sendmail directly (e.g. sendmail, mail, mailx) this includes voyager scripts such as bulkimport and other scripts used from WebAdmin which result in an email being sent to the user.



    • Article last edited: 16-Oct-2017
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