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    Overview of "Bound Withs" in Voyager

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    What are "Bound Withs" in Voyager?


    • A single Item Record in Voyager can be linked to multiple Bibliographic Records. This process actually links the MFHD that the Item is on to multiple bibs, since Items are connected to MFHDs and not directly to bibs. 
    • The multiple linking of any one Item attached to a MFHD automatically links the whole MFHD, and therefore any other Items attached to that MFHD, to ALL linked Bibliographic records. 
    • When a Voyager MFHD is linked to more than one Voyager bib record, 014 _ 1 $a field(s) may also be present containing the Voyager record number of the bibliographic records (not including the number for the record that the MFHD was first created on). 
      • These 014 fields CANNOT be entered manually to create multiple links. The adding of multiple links can only be done through the options on the Record command on the toolbar. 
      • While the 014 fields are good visual cues, remember that they do not perform the linking function and can be absent when a MFHD is multiply linked or present when the MFHD is not actually multiply linked. For reliable information about multiple links, always consult the Bib Title(s) tab in the MFHD. 
    To create a “Bound With”, e.g. link an Item Record (and its MFHD) to more than one Bibliographic Record: 
    1. Know the Bibliographic record ID number(s) that you wish to link to. 
    2. Retrieve the Item Record you wish to attach to another Bibliographic Record 
    3. Choose Record > Link to bibliographic… 
    4. Type in the record number of the Bibliographic Record you wish to attach to and click OK 
      • The Item Record (and its MFHD) is now linked to both Bibliographic Records, and in the Hierarchy display they will appear with a “Bound With” note and will display the other title. This process links the corresponding MFHD to both bibliographic records. In the Item record in the Titles box there will now be a drop down menu to show more than one title. In the MFHD in the Bib Titles tab, both titles will now display, and the system will automatically add an 014 field to the MFHD with the bib record number of the new bib. 
    Unlinking a “Bound With” from a Bibliographic record :
    1. Retrieve the MFHD of the “Bound With” that you wish to unlink. 
    2. Choose Record > Unlink Holding from Bibliographic… 
    3. A “Linked bibliographic records” box displays where you must highlight the bib record to unlink from. 
    4. Click OK.
      • The MFHD (and ALL Items attached to it) is unlinked from the bibliographic record and the system automatically removes the 014 field from the MFHD.


    Additional Information

    The BIB_ITEM table is not completely reliable, particularly for "Bound With".  For Prepackaged Access Reports it is safer to use BIB_MFHD and MFHD_ITEM instead.

    The following is provided as-is1

    To identify Bound Withs in your database, this set of three queries (two subqueries and a main query) can be run using Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports.  Depending on what you want to know, you can run one of the subqueries instead of the main query.

    If you want to know the MFHD IDs and the number of attached bibs, run Bound Withs Subquery 1.
    If you want this and also the count of attached items, run Bound Withs Subquery 2.
    If you want this and also the list of bib IDs of the attached bibs, run Bound Withs Main Query. The main query gives you more rows of results because there is one row for each bib.

    Subquery 1: This finds the MFHDs attached to multiple bibs and notes the number of attached bibs. Save it under the name: Bound Withs Subquery 1

    HAVING (((Count(BIB_MFHD.MFHD_ID))>1));

    Subquery 2: For MFHDs selected by the first subquery, it counts the attached items. Save it under the name: Bound Withs Subquery 2

    SELECT [Bound Withs Subquery 1].MFHD_ID, [Bound Withs Subquery 1].NumAttachedBibs, Count(MFHD_ITEM.MFHD_ID)
    AS NumAttachedItems
    FROM [Bound Withs Subquery 1] LEFT JOIN MFHD_ITEM ON [Bound Withs Subquery 1].MFHD_ID = MFHD_ITEM.MFHD_ID
    GROUP BY [Bound Withs Subquery 1].MFHD_ID, [Bound Withs Subquery 1].NumAttachedBibs;

    Main Query:

    SELECT  [Bound Withs Subquery 2].MFHD_ID, [Bound Withs Subquery 2].NumAttachedBibs,
    [Bound Withs Subquery 2].NumAttachedItems, BIB_MFHD.BIB_ID
    FROM [Bound Withs Subquery 2] INNER JOIN BIB_MFHD ON [Bound Withs Subquery 2].MFHD_ID = BIB_MFHD.MFHD_ID
    ORDER BY [Bound Withs Subquery 2].MFHD_ID, BIB_MFHD.BIB_ID;


    1Constructing custom SQL queries by request and troubleshooting unexpected results from customer-created SQL queries falls outside the scope of Support. The above has been posted for informational purposes.  Voyager-L and Developer Network are useful resources for finding helpful custom SQL or obtaining assistance from peers in troubleshooting custom queries.

    • Article last edited: 29-May-2020
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