Patron SSNs display in "Multiple Patrons Found" via Charge feature
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 6.5.1
Problem Symptoms:
? When searching for patron via Circulation > Patron > search by Barcode, get the "Multiple Patrons Found" message; patron's SSN is masked correctly.
? When searching for patron via Circulation > Charge > search by Barcode, get the "Multiple Patrons Found" message; patron's SSN displays.
? Social security numbers are masked properly for all Circ profiles in SysAdmin:
SysAdmin > Security > Circulation Profiles > [profile] > Profiles tab > "Mask Patron Social Security Number" checkbox is checked
This behavior is caused by Issue 19350 / VYG-4274.
VYG-4274 is resolved in Voyager 9.0.0 and higher.
Additional Information
Workaround: None
Replication Steps:
1) In Circulation, create two new patron records with identical barcodes
2) Log into Circulation as an operator with a profile that has social security numbers masked
3) Bring up the "Charge" interface
4) Enter the patron barcode for the patrons you just created
5) On the "Multiple Patrons Found" screen, you will see their SSNs in the center column
Category: Circulation
- Article last edited: 3/18/2014