Pmarcexport with -aM flag produces warning for valid characters
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.2
Issue number: 16384-21057
Module: MarcExport
Server platform affected: Solaris, Linux
PC OS: Windows XP
Browser & version: N/A
Releases replicated in: 8.1.0, 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.2.0
Last version without bug: 8.0.0
Expected results:
Example: All characters should be correctly translated when exported via Pmarcexport to MARC21 MARC-8 format.
Actual results:
Some valid Voyager database characters are incorrectly translated when exported via Pmarcexport to MARC21 MARC-8.
Workflow implications: Some exported characters cannot be displayed outside of Voyager.
Replication steps:
Open Cataloging client.
Options > Preferences > Mapping > Expected Character Set of Imported Records to MARC 21 UTF-8.
Cataloging > Record -> Import -> From new file -> one of the attached .bib records-> save to DB > note BibID.
On server,
/m1/voyager/voydb/sbin/Pmarcexport -rB –mR –aM
Enter range as the newly created BibID:
MARC ID range [0000000-0000000]? BibID-BibID
Note warning:
Record Type: BIB
Export Mode: Range of MARC IDs
Export Target:
Output File Name: /m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt/marc.exp.YYYYMMDD.HHSS
(# = 100 records)
WARN Record XXXX translation error=...
Records written to Output File: 1
Workaround: Export records to a different character set than MARC21 MARC8.
Other information: Other –a flags such as –aV, aR, and –aO produce no warning.
Fixed in Voyager 8.2.2.
- Article last edited: 3/18/2015