Primo extract:doesn't export suppressed bibs linked to eitems or course res item
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.2
Bug Report Issue 16384-17905
Server platform affected: customer on Linux, replicated on Solaris
Release replicated in: 8.0.0 -8.1.1
Last version without bug: n/a (new feature in 8.0.0)
Expected results:
The Primo Publishing extract would export suppressed bibs that are linked to E-Items and/or reserve list items.
Actual results:
The Primo Publishing extract does not export suppressed bibs that are linked to E-Items and/or reserve list items.
Replication steps:
Replication steps:
Create eitem where associated bib is suppressed:
1. Circulation > Course Reserves > Cancel > right-click > Create New List. Fill in header.
2. Click E-Items tab > right-click > Add New E-Item, Holding and Bib Record.
3. Fill in Title on Bib tab, Location on Holdings tab and Link data on E-Item tab of template.
4. Save.
5. Cataloging > Search > find bib record from Step 3.
6. Verify Suppress from OPAC box is checked.
7. Circulation > Course Reserves > Add bib/mfhd/item (physical) to list for another bib that is suppressed.
Configure the extract to include course reserves:
1. SSH or telnet to server as voyager
2. cd /m1/voyager/xxxdb/ini
3. vi PrimoExp-Publishing.ini and set the following flags to Y:
Run the Publishing extract with ChangedSince set to include suppressed bibs
1. -f /m1/voyager/xxxdb/ini/PrimoExp-Publishing.ini -C{ChangedSince date in YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS format}
2. Note suppressed bibs not extracted in resulting files.
Fixed in Voyager 8.1.2
- Article last edited: 3/16/2015