SMS error when running circ jobs
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 9
Problem Symptoms
- In /m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt/circjob.log, error appears
Start running SMSSender
Using sms file: /tmp/crcsms.31078.inp.20140721081722
Jul 21, 2014 8:17:34 AM com.exlibris.voyager.sms.client.SMSProxyClient sendSMSMessageToSMSProxy
SEVERE: Error send SMS message to patron : 15901 error code : 500 Jul 21, 2014 8:17:35 AM com.exlibris.voyager.sms.client.SMSProxyClient sendSMSMessageToSMSProxy
SEVERE: Can not send SMS message to patron : 15901 Jul 21, 2014 8:17:35 AM com.exlibris.voyager.sms.client.SMSProxyClient sendSMSMessageToSMSProxy
Patron records have SMS numbers in them even though the SMS notices service is not being used
- Query the database for any patron records that contain an SMS number. Example SQL statement:
select patron_id from patron where sms_number is not null;
- For each patron record, remove SMS number
- In Circulation, retrieve patron record
- Right-click on patron record and select "Edit Patron..."
- Click on Details tab
- Remove all data from the SMS Number field
- Click Save then click OK
- Article last edited: 15-Aug-2014