Second re-sort retains previously selected records
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 9.1
Problem Symptoms:
* Re-sort of Titles list + Print/Save/Email after first re-sort retains selections from previous re-sorts + Print/Save/Email
This behavior is the result of VYG-6403.
Issue VYG-6403 is currently in Development.
Additional Information
Replication steps:
1. In WebVoyage, search for something with several pages of results.
2. Select > Page and click Print. Note that records are in correct sort order.
3. Return to Titles list.
4. Re-sort records.
5. Select > Page and click Print. Note that records are in correct sort order - no records from previous selection were retained and included.
6. Return to Titles list.
7. Re-sort records.
8. Select > Page and click Print. Note that records selected from previous sort order are sorted in the previous order at the top of the results, followed by selected records from last sort in the order displayed in WebVoyage.
Workaround: When returning to results second time (step 6):
1. Click Select > All to select all records.
2. Click Select > All to unselect all records.
Any selections made should then only apply to records selected after re-sort, and sort order will be correct in print/email/save output.
Category: Opac - Voyager
Subject: Voyager
- Article last edited: 12/10/2014