Title not displaying in results for some records after regen
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.2.0
Problem Symptoms
- Recently ran keyword regen on database server
- No errors in logs or any other evident problem
- /m1/voyager/xxxdb/data directory is populated with files and files have correct permissions
- Some records in search results in Cataloging and WebVoyage don't show title or other result field data, but some do
New bib_text file was generated by regen and voyager.ini needed to be updated on other servers in split server environment.
- Connect to database server / server where regen was run.
- In /m1/voyager/xxxdb/data, note bib_text files.
- In /m1/voyager/xxxdb/ini note BIBTEXTDIR= lines in voyager.ini file. There should be a line for each file that was in the /data directory. E.g. if there are 2 bib_text files:
- BIBTEXTDIR=$VOYAGER/$DATABASE/data/bib_text.1.tdr
- BIBTEXTDIR=$VOYAGER/$DATABASE/data/bib_text.2.tdr
- Connect to app and/or web server (depending on your environment and setup).
- In /m1/voyager/xxxdb/ini, the new bib_text file is not referenced by the voyager.ini file.
- Add an entry for the new bib_text file so the voyager.ini file matches what's in the voyager.ini file on the database server: E.g.,
- BIBTEXTDIR=$VOYAGER/$DATABASE/data/bib_text.3.tdr
- Save the change.
- Article last edited: 08-Oct-2013