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Unreceived serials issues displaying in Primo


  • Product: Voyager, Primo
  • Product Version: Primo 4.9 and higher
  • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care



Is there a way to keep unreceived issues that appear in Voyager Acquisitions from appearing in Primo versions with the "Improved Holdings Record Display (V4.9)" described in the Primo Version 4.x Highlights?


In Voyager, there are two places that serials issue information can be found:

  1. In the MFHD (holdings) record, contained in 86X fields. These are summary holdings, usually for a group of issues. 
  2. In Acquisitions in the check-in record for the serial. These are issues that have been received recently, and, usually, have not yet been cataloged/added to the MFHD record. They might have item records, but they may be missing from the MFHD's summary holdings. 

For the issues falling into the second category, Voyager generates 86X fields with data from the Acquisitions check-in record and returns those fields to Primo. 


In the generated 86X fields, there's a $$9 added to the field in the extracted record to differentiate it from the 86X fields that do actually exist in the holdings record. $$9 contains a display code. These are codes that Voyager uses in its OPAC display to determine how serials issue information from the Acquisitions check-in record should be formatted and displayed. 


Which of these fields display in Primo is controlled by in /m1/voyager/xxxdb/tomcat/vxws/context/vxws/ui/eng


# Indicate whether or not you want the various serial issues to be 
# sent to Primo via OvP. 


Set any of these codes to N to suppress their display in Primo.



  • Article last edited: 11-Feb-2016