VOY:Barcodes do not print
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.0.1
Issue 16384-2129
Module: VoyagerInstall.exe, VoyagerInstall.msi
Release(s) replicated in: 7.0.1
PC O/S (if this is PC specific): Windows XP
Loss of functionality from (previous version, if applicable): 6.5.4
Expected Results: Installing Voyager clients should install barcode fonts in windows so barcodes can be printed.
Actual Results: The barcode fonts are not correctly installed in C:\WINDOWS\Voyager, and barcodes cannot be printed.
Workflow Implications: Staff is unable to print barcodes.
Replication steps:
1. Uninstall Voyager from PC (this uninstalls the barcode fonts) or find a PC with no Voyager clients.
2. Install Voyager clients on the PC using VoyagerInstall.exe or VoyagerInstall.msi
3. Print a Call Slip from the Call Slip Daemon, Hold Slip in Circ, or label in Cat, etc.
4. The barcode numbers will print, but not the barcode.
Other information: Installing Voyager clients creates a folder, C:\Voyager\Fonts, but does not place the fonts in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts as it has previously. As a workaround, the fonts can be copied from C:\Voyager\Fonts to C:\WINDOWS\Fonts. This happens if the clients are installed on a new machine or on a machine that Voyager has been uninstalled and reinstalled on. This does NOT happen when leaving clients from previous release and installing new clients.
- Article last edited: 3/16/2015