Voy-Primo extract:improper marc tags in deleted bibs cause extract to die
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.0
Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-14833
Module(s): Voyager/Primo extract
Server platform(s) affected: Solaris/all
PC OS (if applicable): n/a
Browser & version (if applicable): n/a
Release(s): reported in 7.2.1; replicated in 8.0
Expected results:
If the extract hits bad data when processing the delete file, it should skip the bad record and move on.
Actual results:
If the extract hits a deleted bib record that has text or a space in a MARC tag (instead of a numeric value), it stops processing (the deleted.bib.marc file is not renamed with a time/date stamp, and the ChangedSince.txt file is not updated).
Workflow implications: If sites don’t realize that the extract didn’t complete, their deleted items will go unprocessed, and their ChangedSince date will not update (which can cause unnecessarily large extracts).
Replication steps:
Create a bib that has text in the tag field, and then delete it so it is added to the deleted.bib.marc file in /m1/voyager/yyydb/rpt.
Delete some additional bibs so they will occur later in the deleted.bib.marc file (so you can verify the extract does not end up processing them).
Run a publishing extract specifying a ChangedSince date of sometime in the past.
You’ll note that the logs that are produced do not have a summary at the end. Then check /rpt, and you’ll see that the deleted.bib.marc file has not been renamed to have a time/date stamp of the time the extract is run. Check the ChangedSince.txt file in /m1/voyager/yyydb/primo/Publishing – you’ll see that it has the same date you gave it earlier, and has not been updated with the time/date of the extract.
Workaround: Delete any problem records from the deleted.bib.marc file prior to running the extract.
Fixed in Primo extract in 8.1.0.
Fixed in Voy/Primo extract in 8.1.0.[11/11/2011 5:28:48 PM Julie Bister]
- Article last edited: 3/18/2015