Voyager Self Check test perl script
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
How to access the Voyager self check test perl script.
The perl script attached to this Article can be helpful for understanding and troubleshooting the Voyager SIP2 implementation, when used in conjunction with the 3M SIP Documentation (this document is included with the attached zip file).
Note that to use this script, you must have SSH access to your Voyager server and be able to login as the voyager user. Run the script locally on your Voyager server.
The test script communicates with Voyager Self Check using SIP2 over a telnet connection.
To activate on-screen message reports such as failure error messages see: SELFCHK: How to activate on-screen messages displayed in Self-Check
- Server IP: (usually localhost when run locally on the Voyager server)
- Selfchk Port: (Usually 7031)
- Selfchk User: (Circ)
- Selfchk Password: (Circ)
- Selfchk Location: (Circ)
- Update the "my @stanza" field appropriately to have (for example) a valid patron barcode in the AA field of the 63 message1,2
- Add any additional messages required
- /m1/shared/bin/perl to run
- NOTE the \r is carriage return
1Example of single message:
# Change if needed
my @stanza = (
"6300120071019 121515 AO|AA7654321|AC|AD|BP|\r"
2Example of multiple messages:
# Change if needed
my @stanza = (
"6300120071019 121515 AO|AA7654321|AC|AD|BP|\r",
"2300120211110 131858AO|AA7654321|AC|AD|\r",
"11YY20210708 16070820210808 160708AO|AA7654321|AB19755|AC|\r"
Additional Information
The following is an example of running a single "63" message - example as per instructions provided above (the user is prompted for Circulation variables). The response is the "64" message:
[VGER] voyager@us-voysuplnx01 : voyager/ $ perl Server IP: localhost Selfchk Port: 8131 Selfchk User: Circ Selfchk Password: Circ Selfchk Location: Circ BEGIN Login SENDING: 9300|CNCirc|COCirc|CPCirc RECEIVING: 941 SENDING: 9900802.00 RECEIVING: 98YYYYYN99800320210503 0953312.00AO|BXYYYYYNYYYYYNNNYN| END Login BEGIN Stanza Loop SENDING: 6300120071019 121515 AO|AA7654321|AC|AD|BP| RECEIVING: 64 00020210503 095332000000000003000500000000AO|AA7654321|AEJoe Smith|CA0001|CB0001|PB19850302|BLY|BHUSD|BV0.00|CQN||BD1234 Mystreet Ct| END Stanza Loop
The following is an example of a complete script file3 in its entirety that runs the 63 message and produces the preceding output:
#!/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Socket;
print "Server IP: ";
my $Ip = <STDIN>;
print "Selfchk Port: ";
my $Port = <STDIN>;
print "Selfchk User: ";
my $User = <STDIN>;
print "Selfchk Password: ";
my $Pass = <STDIN>;
print "Selfchk Location: ";
my $Loc = <STDIN>;
my $Host = inet_aton($Ip);
# Change if needed
my @stanza = (
"6300120071019 121515 AO|AA7654321|AC|AD|BP|\r"
socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')) || die $!;
my $sin = sockaddr_in ($Port, $Host);
connect(SOCK, $sin) || die $!;
my @loginlines = (
"9300|CN$User|CO$Pass|CP$Loc\r" ,
my $buf;
print "BEGIN Login\n";
foreach (@loginlines) {
printf "SENDING: %s\n", $_;
syswrite(SOCK, $_, length($_));
sysread(SOCK, $buf, 2000);
printf "RECEIVING: %s\n", $buf;
print "END Login\n\n";
print "BEGIN Stanza Loop\n";
foreach (@stanza) {
printf "SENDING: %s\n", $_;
syswrite(SOCK, $_, length($_));
sysread(SOCK, $buf, 2000);
printf "RECEIVING: %s\n", $buf;
print "END Stanza Loop\n\n";
exit 0;
3The above file is also available to download:
Self check is an extension module for Voyager - it is not part of the core Voyager software. Activating Self check/SIP2 may require the generation of a quote to cover the implementation and maintenance of this extension.
- Article last edited: 17-Feb-2020