Voyager combined BIB keyword (e.g., GKEY) and MFHD keyword search does not return all results for large result sets
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
MFHD Keyword search ANDed with Keyword search may not return all results in Advanced OPAC search and Cataloging Client Builder tab search.
Defect Status
VYG-4300 is in Development.
Replication Steps
1. Note the primary sort for GKEY, is usually Title. These steps assume this to be the case.
2. Select a Keyword that will match more than 10,000 records, for example "am?"
3. Create three new bib records. Ensure that:
a. All three have the selected keyword
b. One record in the first 10,000 results (a title starting with AA)
c. One record not in the first 10,000 results but still in the first 20,000 results (a title starting with MM)
d. One record not in the first 20,000 results (a title starting with ZZ)
4. Add a MFHD to each of these records and give them a common keyword, for example "Main"
5. Do a search for "GKEY am? AND HKEY Main"
6. Note that the third record (outside of the first 20,000) is not retrieved
Additional Information
This is an issue with search truncation for large results sets; Keyword searches are limited to 10,000 results. Voyager truncates the search and leaves off records that meet both criteria.
See also:
- KEYSVR:not retrieving all results in large data sets
- Adding filter to large data sets in Voyager Advanced and Builder searches returns fewer results than expected or no results
- Article last edited: 05-Aug-2021