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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    WEBV/VXWS - Indefinite Loan messages not customizable

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8.2.2

    Bug Report for Issue 16384-17393
    Module(s): WebVoy?ge, OvP
    Server platform(s) affected: Tested on Solaris
    PC OS (if applicable): N/A
    Browser & version (if applicable): All Browsers

    Release(s) replicated in: 7.0.1, 7.2.2, 8.1.0
    Last version without bug (if applicable): Classic
    Expected results: Loans with an indefinite due date should display no due date, but instead say Indefinite

    Actual results: Loans with an indefinite due date show as being due on 12-31-2382.

    Workflow implications: Confusing for patrons

    Replication steps:
    1. Log into SysAdmin and load a Circulation Policy Definition which contains a lot of common items
    2. Enter the Matrix for this policy, and set one of the rows (e.g. Faculty/Book) so that the Loan period is set to “Indef”
    3. Log into Circulation and select a patron who does not have an expiration date, and one who has a barcode matching the type in step 2
    4. Create a charge on the patron in step 3, and use an item of the type matching what was set in the matrix on step 2.
    5. If this charge worked, the due date will show as “Indefinite” in Circulation
    6. Search for this record in Tomcat WebVoy?ge, and bring up the record display page, the status will show “Charged - Due on 12-31-2382”
    7. Click on the “Staff View” to get the bib ID
    8. Load the following URL, replacing the IP and port with the correct information for VXWS. Also, replace the bib ID with the one used in step 7 (i.e., -- you'll see that vxws sends the 12-31-2382 due date.

    Other information: 12/31/2382 is the maximum date range Voyager is able to use. If you view this patron's account in WebVoyage, you'll see a display that reads 'Charged: Due Indefinite'.

    Fixed in Voyager 8.2.2.

    • Article last edited: 3/7/2015