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    What does Global Headings Change do with Name and Name/Title headings?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: All
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care


    What gets queued to the Global Headings Change (GHC) queue when a name or name/title heading is changed?



    1. Name heading change, where main entry selected in 008 of changed Authority record
      1. Any linked 1XX name heading will be changed
      2. Any 4XX, 7XX or 8XX will change as long as the bib field does NOT include a subfield t. Subfield t turns the heading into a name/title heading.
      3. Note: This means that not all the bibs linked to a name heading will actually be changed by GHC.
    2. Name heading change, where subject entry selected in the 008 of changed Authority record
      1. Any 6XX linked to this heading will be changed. there are no caveats, because we are looking at a whole subject heading.
    3. Name/title heading change, where main entry selected in the 008 of changed Authority record
      1. No multi-field heading will be changed. 1XX/240,243,245 combinations are queued but NOT changed by GHC. They will be removed when Catjob 12 is run.
      2. Any 4XX, 7XX or 8XX will be changed as long as it matches the field. This means it will include the subfield t.
    4. Name/title heading change, where subject entry selected in the 008 of changed Authority record
      1. Any 6XX linked to this heading will be changed. there are no caveats, because we are looking at a whole subject heading.

    Category: Cataloging

    • Article last edited: 10/16/2013