What does Global Headings Change (Catjobs 11,12 and 13) do?
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 6.5.3
What does Global Headings Change (Catjobs 11,12 and 13) do?
These three jobs provide you an opportunity to configure, check and preview the proposed changes. Run them one at a time, and wait for the preceding job to successfully complete and review the results before starting the next job.
Catjob 11 looks at the headings structure of the database and determines how many headings potentially could be affected by the change in question. It lets you see what headings have been "triggered" (but not the actual BIB records)
- Voyager counts bibliographic records that exactly match the heading that has been changed.
- For all the heading types except subdivision headings, the bibliographic records that are counted are only those that match exactly.
- Bibliographic records are not counted if they contain the heading followed by further subdivisions.
- The log file in /rpt will tell you when the job started and when it completed.
- Populates the HEADING_CHANGE table.
Catjob 12 finds the specific bibliographic and authority records that will be affected by the change. It lets you view the BIB records potentially associated with a heading change.
- The change to the heading in the records can be viewed in the GHC queue Preview window.
- Catjob 12 also clears headings that will not affect any bibliographic or authority records from the queue.
- Sometimes a change will enter the queue but will not change any records.
- Example: a name heading is part of a name/title combination in every record in which it appears. It is part of the Name Headings index, and is added to the queue as a Name heading. But because it's part of a name/title heading in other records, it can only be changed as a name/title headings change.
- Catjob 12 also does not queue records that have been modified since the date the heading was added to the GHC queue. This protects manual changes from being overwritten by Global Headings Change.
- The log file in /rpt will tell you when the job started and completed, and the number of BIB and AUTH records that were processed.
- Populates the HEADING_CHANGE_FIELDS table.
Catjob 13 executes the headings change in the bibliographic and authority records. It lets you make the changes to the BIB records that have the "Process" box checked in the queue.
- Any headings remaining in the queue after catjob 13 will be cleared the next time catjob 11 is run.
- Catjob 13 won't change a record if the record has been manually updated since the heading was added to the queue. These will be identified by "Failed to apply bib heading change" entries in the log file.
- It is a good Best Practice to include Operator and Location for reporting purposes.
- The log file is /rpt will tell you how many headings were processed, how many BIBs were updated, and how many BIBs were left unprocessed.
- The BIB record's History tab will be updated with the Operator and Location that were input when Catjob 13 was run. It will help you to identify that this record was updated via GHC.
Some libraries run Jobs 11 and 12 every evening via a scheduled crontab job. This is not necessary but it does not hurt anything and may be helpful. Another recommended Best Practice along with running Jobs 11 and 12 every evening is to process the GCH queue and run Job 13 at least weekly. Staff should complete work on the Global Headings Change Queue as soon as possible.
Support strongly recommends that Job 13 not be scheduled via a crontab job.
Additional Information
See also:
Basic workflow for Global Headings Change?
How do headings get on the Global Heading Change Queue (GHCQ)?
Tips for working with the Voyager Global Headings Change Queue
Voyager® Technical Users' Guide, "Global Headings Change Jobs" for more information.
- Article last edited: 11-Aug-2020