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    What goes in voyager.ini file?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8.2.2


    I installed the Voyager clients for the first time; what values should be updated?


    Each Voyager client has its own stanza in the voyager.ini file. Within each stanza are 3 values:

    Server= This is the IP address or hostname of your Voyager server. This value will be the same for every stanza.
    Port= This is the server port the client uses to communicate with the Voyager server. See Network Ports used by Voyager
    Timeout= This is the value, in seconds, for client communication timeouts. It is set to 60 by default.

    If you install new clients after upgrade, you may need to update the Server= and Port= values to reflect the IP and port series for your Voyager server and database instance.

    Additional Information

    Some additional stanzas in the file include

    [GlobalLog] Contains additional variables, such as those to enable single login and client encryption (must also be enabled on the server)
    [E-mail] This stanza is used if you send email notices with Reporter.
    [Upgrade] This stanza is used if you employ AutoUpdate (for Voyager 8.0.0 and higher; see Technical User's Guide)

    • Article last edited: 29-May-2014