What is Bursar Transfer used for?
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
What is Bursar Transfer and why would it be used?
Bursar Transfer exports the total patron balances or itemized fine/fee balances from patron records and creates a SIF file that can be exported to another system.
- Exports patron credits and debits
- Does not transfer accrued fines, demerits, or stub/child patron record fines and fees
Bursar Transfer is typically used if the payment/handling of fines/fees is done outside of the library.
Additional Information
Output file is written to /rpt.
Example of SIF file written to /rpt:
4821 CIRC GRAD F2 2010.02.11CIRC +10.00 Title: If it ain't baroque : more music history as it ought to be taught / David W. Barber., Call No.: ML65.B234 I23 1992, Barcode: 44466049, ItemId: 63231, Due Date: 2009-01-07 23:59, Note:
4821 CIRC GRAD F3 2010.02.11CIRC +15.00 Title: Aging, society and life course / Leslie A. Morgan, Suzanne R. Kunkel., Call No.: HQ1064.U5 M6818 2007, Barcode: 56180756, ItemId: 62924, Due Date: 2008-04-06 23:00, Note:
4821 CIRC GRAD F2 2010.02.11CIRC +10.00 Title: Aging, society and life course / Leslie A. Morgan, Suzanne R. Kunkel., Call No.: HQ1064.U5 M6818 2007, Barcode: 56180756, ItemId: 62924, Due Date: 2008-04-06 23:00, Note:
4821 CIRC GRAD F2 2010.02.11CIRC +10.00 Title: Goodnight moon; pictures by Clement Hurd., Call No.: PZ7.B8163 Go, Barcode: 7130487, ItemId: 63230, Due Date: 2009-01-07 23:59, Note:
4821 CIRC GRAD F3 2010.02.11CIRC +15.00 Title: Goodnight moon; pictures by Clement Hurd., Call No.: PZ7.B8163 Go, Barcode: 7130487, ItemId: 63230, Due Date: 2009-01-07 23:59, Note:
4821 CIRC GRAD F2 2010.02.11CIRC +10.00 Title: Clockwork orange / by Anthony Burgess., Call No.: PZ4.B953 Cl 1963, Barcode: 23702933, ItemId: 63110, Due Date: 2009-01-07 23:59, Note:
4821 CIRC GRAD F3 2010.02.11CIRC +15.00 Title: Clockwork orange / by Anthony Burgess., Call No.: PZ4.B953 Cl 1963, Barcode: 23702933, ItemId: 63110, Due Date: 2009-01-07 23:59, Note:
4821 CIRC GRAD F3 2010.02.11CIRC +15.00 Title: If it ain't baroque : more music history as it ought to be taught / David W. Barber., Call No.: ML65.B234 I23 1992, Barcode: 44466049, ItemId: 63231, Due Date: 2009-01-07 23:59, Note:
- Article last edited: 06-Jul-2017