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    Which Voyager Circulation preferences reset upon logout, or persist until changed?

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    Which Circulation preferences (settings, configuration, etc.) reset upon logout, and which persist until changed?


    While it is named “Session Preferences” on the screen, some settings set in Circulation Client > Session Preferences do not reset when you logout but persist.

    Along with the following information, you can print off for easy reference the Explanation of Preference Settings in Voyager Circulation PDF attached to this article. For every preference it provides a full description, whether the preference resets or persists, and where to look for additional information.

    Alerts, Printing and Fine/Fee/Demerit Tab

    Preference resets upon logout to the default determined in Voyager System Administration:

    • Alerts
      • Patron Fine Fee Alerts
      • Patron Available Item Alerts


    • Printing
      • Print Fine Siips
      • Print Discharge Slips
      • Print Hold Slips
      • Print Routing Slips


    • Print Due Date Slip
      • No Due Date Slip
      • Per Single Charge
      • All Charges in One Receipt


    Preference persists from one login to the next (does not reset with logout).  These preferences are recorded for each Windows username in the Windows Registry of the specific computer:


    • Alerts
      • Charge Note Alert
      • Discharge Note Alert
      • Enable default button selection
      • Patron Pop-up Note Alert Upon Display
      • Patron Pop-up Note Alert Upon Discharge
      • Temporary Location Alert on Discharge
      • Loan Shortened Due to Patron Expiration Alert
      • Short Loan Advanced Booking Alert


    • Fine/Fee/Demerit
      • Use Active Circulation Location and the Default Fines/Fees Filter
      • Default for Post Against (dropdown selection)
    Items and Searching Tab

    Preference resets upon logout to the default determined in Voyager System Administration:

    • Item/E-item Creation
      • Check for Duplicate Barcode


    Preference persists from one login to the next (does not reset with logout).  These preferences are recorded for each Windows username in the Windows Registry of the specific computer:

    • Item/E-item Creation
      • Sequence New Item at Top
      • Magnetic Media
      • Sensitize
      • Bypass ISBN Validation
      • Bypass ISSN Validation


    • Searching
      • Title Search - Auto Truncation
      • Title Search - Retain Last Search
      • Search Results Colors (selection)
      • Default Patron Search (dropdown selelction)

    Additional Information

    The examples below display in a red outline those preferences that reset upon logout to the default determined by Voyager System Administration.  The preferences that persist from one login to the next (e.g., do not reset with logout) do not have a red outline.  These preferences are recorded for each staff username in the Windows Registry of the specific computer.



    • Article last edited: 19-Jul-2024
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