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    Why such large number of records extracted by Publishing extract?

    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 9


    Why were so many records in my database extracted by the Publishing extract? Many of the records have not been edited since the last extract ran.


    If a HEADINGS regen was run recently, and PrimoExp-Publishing.ini contains HeadingChanges=Y, many bibs will be extracted.

    This is because the HEADINGS regen sets HEADINGS.CREATE_DATE for every heading to the date the regen is run. When HeadingChanges=Y the extract checks HEADINGS.CREATE_DATE and HEADINGS.UPDATE_DATE for recent heading changes, and then extracts any bib record associated with a heading.

    Since ALL headings have these dates updated when a HEADINGS regen is run, any bib that contains a heading (which typically includes close to all of the records in a database) will be extracted.

    If no headings have been changed since the last HEADINGS regen, the first extract following the regen can be expedited by setting HeadingChanges=N in PrimoExp-Publishing.ini for the first extract following the regen, restoring HeadingChanges=Y once the first extract has been completed.

    Additional Information

    See the Voyager Primo Integration User's Guide for more information.

    • Article last edited: 29-Nov-2021
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